Categories: Education

Chronic Time Wasting Activities

One factor that every person has in common is time and the fact that many people waste their time. Each day we have the same number of minutes and hours. What makes each person unique is the manner that we use our time.

Sadly, people seldom invest their time wisely and then wonder why they do not accomplish more in life. We reap what we sow and this is especially true of our time. When we invest efforts, we reap the benefits of that effort. When we waste our time, we reap the consequences. There are several key areas where people chronically waste their time.


Everyone needs a specific number of hours of sleep. However, how many people waste time trying to get extra sleep. Sleeping can be an incredible waste of time. Choosing complete inactivity over the ability to work or accomplish something of personal enrichment. There are times when a person needs extra sleep due to times of fatigue or illness but developing the habit of sleeping late wastes time.

Watching Television

Television is one of the largest chronic time wasting activities. How many hours do people spend watching television? More than most might think. With the advent of satellite and digital cable, there are more television stations to watch and more shows to ebb away at our time. Millions of people invest their evenings in various television shows that have no educational or enriching value.

Surfing the Internet

The Internet has a number of important and valuable applications for daily life. The use of the Internet often provides valuable information, enriching experience, and the opportunity to learn. The Internet can waste time and produce nothing of value. The issue stems back to appropriate usage and balance of that use. The Internet has the potential to be a great tool or an amazing waste of time.

Video Games

The younger generations have developed the habit of playing Video Games. While video games have some educational value, much of the time is nothing more than a waste. Video games are simply a form of entertainment that continues to develop the chronic habit of wasting time.

There is nothing wrong with entertainment or any of the above activities. Everyone spends some time participating in some of these activities. The issue is one of balance and investment. All work and no play makes for a boring life. All play and no work makes for a lazy life. Make sure that all work and leisure activities are in a manner that seeks balance.

For many, entertainment is not a waste of time but a means of leisure relaxation. Remember there are other means of entertainment that develop social, intellectual, and emotional value or strength. For example, playing board games as a family creates lasting memories and recreation for the whole family. Invest entertainment or leisure time with others instead of alone.

Time is a commodity that we should never take for granted. While we all have the same number of minutes or hours in the day, we do not all have the same number of days. No one knows how much time they will have and we need to invest that time wisely.

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