Categories: Local

Chris Tucker’s Show in Dallas Proves that He is Still One of the Best

I have to admit that when I heard Chris Tucker was coming to Dallas I was not exactly enthused about the event. Honestly, I knew that Chris was very funny in movies like “Rush Hour”, “5th Element”, “Friday” and “All About the Benjamins” but it has been a long time since I can remember Chris having to get on stage and rock the crowd. It didn’t help that Steve Harvey was horrible in his recent visit to the Verizon Theater and I expected the same dreadful performance from Chris. I could not have been any more wrong.

I missed all of the opening acts because my press passes somehow got lost but since the person who lost them is a friend of mine I’m not going to put her on blast in this article. Chris Tucker, however, lived up to his name as one of the top comedians and comedic actors in the country and my one word summary of his performance is “Hilarious. He used a combination of catch phrases that people have come to associate with him like “same time man” but his new material kept the crowd laughing. His new jokes on Michael Jackson are just as hilarious as the original ones and he even took the time to tell one of the fans that refused to stop yelling out how much she loved him that he loved her too. I think I laughed from the beginning of his set to the end and even though the set was really long, I didn’t realize it until I got in my car and saw what time it was.

I asked 20 people to rank this event from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest and for the first time since I started writing these reviews it actually ranked a 5 (94 out of a possible 100 points). I was pleasantly surprised at how funny Chris Tucker still is and recommend that anyone that lives in a city that still has a Chris Tucker tour coming go and see it.

Here is what was said on twitter about this event,

@mikoolluster – Man Chris Tucker was hilarious tonight!

@MoNique_Rel – Chris Tucker did a good job!!! Proved me wrong

@Jayunique66 – Chris Tucker was effin hilarious…..luuuuuuved him tonite

@A_Smitty32 – Chris Tucker is a foo. Show was too funny… But I’m exhausted now.

Karla News

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