Categories: Education

Character Analysis: Albus Dumbledore

There is no character more iconic in fantasy than wise, old wizard. From the Arthurian legends to Tolkien the character of the wizard is a staple of fantasy. The question in Harry Potter is, ‘can you have a iconic wizard in a story filled with wizards?’ and the answer to that is Dumbledore. Dumbledore fills that role while being more than simply an iconic wizard and becomes an important and worthwhile character to examine because he is able to be both.

Similarities to Classic Wizards

The two wizards who are most likely compared to Dumbledore are Gandalf and Merlin. The comparisons are easy to see. In the case of Dumbledore and Gandalf the Grey the first comparison is that of appearance. They are both elderly in appearance with long beards and hair. Merlin is not as likely to be described in this way, but he often is.

More important than their appearance is their power. All three of these are arguably the most powerful wizard in the world. It is made clear in the story that Dumbledore is the only wizard that Voldemort fears. This certainly implies that he is powerful. He also appears to be able to do things no one else can.

Beyond that all three are considered wise. As this is the root word it should be common but the truth is very few character in Harry Potter could be considered wise.

Dumbledore’s Relationship With Harry Potter

As the Headmaster of Hogwarts Dumbledore has less contact with the students than many of the other adults. He does not teach classes and the most direct way that he he is connected to the students is through the teachers he hires. Yet he seems to keep special track of Harry Potter who he helps on a number of occasions. Sending his Phoenix to him in one book and eventually sharing his memories with the young boy.

Dumbledore is also one of the few people who understands the full significance of Harry Potter. He knows that the boy is the key to defeating Voldemort. He is also the one that ensure Harry’s protection through the placement of him with family. This investment in the character goes beyond that though. It is possible that he feels at least partially responsible for the death of Harry’s parents.

Dumbledore and Spoilers

There was a significant event with this character in one of the books. This moment was one that was widely spoiled. This spoiler while unfortunate was not a surprise expect in the particulars for most people. It was clear from the beginning that Harry Potter would have to stand up for himself, he couldn’t have Dumbledore solve his problems for him. That means that events had to play out how they did.

One of the most beloved characters in the Harry Potter franchise this man is part powerful wizard, part grandfather and in many ways a mystery. He has even become a controversial character due to the events that occurred outside of the book. All of this makes him a very interesting character and one that is far more than simply another wizard.

Karla News

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