Food & Wine

How to Make Perfect Bite-Sized Nachos Using Math as Your Guide

Who can resist nachos? How these delightful delicacies came about is anybody's guess, but they are not only the perfect…

4 years ago

The Best Apples for Apple Pie

Although you have probably heard the saying, " American as apple pie," apple pies have been around longer than the…

4 years ago

Tomato Facts and Trivia

Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio. Arkansas' official state vegetable is the vine ripe pink tomato (of…

4 years ago

Favorite All-American Hot Dog Recipes

Hot dogs are an American classic from coast to coast. What makes them popular is that they are simple to…

4 years ago

Franzia: Good, Affordable Dinner Wine for a Crowd

If you're looking for a review for a high-end, specialty boutique wine, you should move on now before I offend…

4 years ago

Bulgur Wheat: A Healthy Whole Grain

I'm a runner and I love to eat. I also love to cook. This combination, for me, means I look…

4 years ago

Ice Tea Makers

Ice tea makers come in different brands and sizes. They are all very simple to use if you follow the…

4 years ago

Dolly Madison Zingers vs. Hostess Twinkies

While at a newsstand in downtown Hartford, Connecticut last week, I happened to notice a new display rack filled with…

4 years ago

How to Use Grandma’s Vintage Egg Poacher

Poaching is a method of cooking fragile foods such as eggs, fruits, chicken or seafood in a gently simmering liquid.…

4 years ago

An Introduction to the Four Strains of Gin, What Makes Them Distinctive, and How to Enjoy Them

There are four strains of gin: London Dry, Old Tom, Plymouth, and Dutch. Each of these forms of the spirit…

4 years ago

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