Articles for category: Books

Karla News

The Magical Realism of Ficciones

Jorge Luis Borges’ Ficciones is a collection of short stories all designed around a particular theme: reality. More specifically, Borges is interested in a magical realism, one in which he can use his literary power to draw insight from the world, by blurring the lines between fantasy and fact. Throughout the seventeen short stories contained ...

Karla News

Poetry of E E Cummings

The poetry of e.e. cummings is marked by its distinctive quality of being contemporary, while maintaining a traditional appeal. By doing this, cummings writes poetry that has an appeal to many readers. The same is true for his poem, “i like my body when it is with your body.” The poem utilizes a passion that ...

Karla News

Disney Movies With Adult Bloopers

When you think of Disney you think of cute animated films for the whole family. Sometimes adult theaming makes it way in and I don’t mean humor, I mean things that children should not see, or in one case what adults feel is not politically correct in this era. Some of Disney films have found ...

Karla News

Five Classic Poems for Memorial Day

Memorial Day is about history. As we learned in school, much of civilized history is measured by wars. The best that can be said of war is that it has preserved our freedom when oppressors have sought to dominate us. Valiant people fight these wars for us and Memorial Day is a time to remember ...

Karla News

Annie Dilliard’s Idea of Living like Weasels

Weasels are real, while thoughts are not. That much is clear. After all, what are thoughts? Thoughts themselves do not actually do anything, and they really are not necessary for one to be. Maybe a weasel cannot entertain a complex thought or make a willful choice on how to occupy his time, but does that ...

Karla News

Precious Jones Pushes to Be Heard

Push, a debut novel authored by the poet, Sapphire, is written from the viewpoint of an illiterate African-American girl, Precious Jones, whose life is traumatic. With broken English and many misspelled words throughout the novel, Precious refers to herself throughout the book as a “chile”, or child, but lives the life of a woman. She ...

Karla News

Josef Mengele and “The Land of the Twins”

According to a story in the British newspaper, The Telegraph, escaped Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele was passing the time in South America by performing genetic experiments on German settlers in a small town in Brazil. The result, according to a new book Mengele: the Angel of Death in South America, an unusual number of ...

Karla News

The Canon of Humanity: Mythology and Symbols in Art and Literature

Myths are enduring facets of human nature because they allow cultures to bring order to chaos and to understand human behavior and the mysterious workings of the universe. Despite the presence of scientific and psychological explorations that define the Modern world, myths continue to shape our culture and literary art. In order to be more ...

Karla News

Book Review: “True Blue” by David Baldacci

The new stand-alone thriller by David Baldacci, True Blue, is likely to be the beautiful beginning of a new series for this popular writer. Intrigued by a recent interview Baldacci did for Parade Magazine (the Sunday supplement to so many newspapers around the country), he decided to write a book based in part on the ...

Karla News

The Great Modern Gatsby

The rise of Modernism occurred at the outset of the twentieth century, a time of great upheaval, not only in the arts, but in nearly every aspect of life. The expansion of scientific understanding and revolutionary growth in technology, coupled with incredible economic progress, provided a breeding ground for progressive thought. A new way of ...