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Can Avocados Help You Lose Weight?

Avocados, Phytochemicals, Real Age

Did you know that eating avocados may help you lose weight? I know many of us are just looking for ways to cut those extra calories and hoping to drop a dress size in the process. Well, the health benefit of avocados isn’t just limited to help one lose those pounds. Avocados protect against breast, oral, and colorectal cancers. Fascinating right?

Many of us are familiar with the Hass avocados found throughout the year in stores. On the other hands varieties like the Fuerto, Zutano and Bacon are usually seen in the stores during fall and winter months. Let’s see how the nutrients from this pear like fruit can actually help one lose weight and put an end to many pre-cancerous cells from developing into real cancer situations.

How do avocados help you lose weight?

Along with a low glycemic index of 15, avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and fiber.

Incorporating avocados help one cut calories and helps lose weight. Are you wondering the same thing as me? Having a fruit with such high fat content (a cup of avocados has around 34% fat, equivalent to quarter-pound burger) could actually help us lose weight. But actually most of the fat in avocados is monounsaturated or the good kind that actually lowers cholesterol levels and helps lose those extra pounds.

Remember, however, the key is moderation.

How can avocados fight against cancer? – A slice from research

Steven M. D’Ambrosio, a member of the molecular carcinogenesis and chemoprevention program at Ohio State’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, discussed the cancer-fighting potential of fruits and vegetables.

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“The phytochemicals extracted from avocados target multiple signaling pathways and increase the amount of reactive oxygen within the cells, leading to cell death in pre-cancerous cell lines. But the phytochemicals did not harm normal cells,” says D’Ambrosio.(Retrieved from http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/avocados.htm)

An important benefit to think about!

Ways to incorporate avocado in your diet?

Now that we know it’s healthy and an important aspect of our weight loss diet plan, how do we fit it in our schema of things?

According to WebMD, a recommended serving size is 2 tablespoons, or roughly one-sixth of a medium-sized avocado. Each serving provides 5 grams of fat and 55 calories.

My knowledge of avocado was limited to the dip served with my shrimp fajitas in Don Pablo. The first time I asked my server what it was, he said, “Guacamole.” Took me a while to say it right and even more to like the taste! Cooking avocados was a genre I didn’t attempt.

Now that I knew it would help me lose those extra pounds, I was eager to give it a shot. Visit avocado.org
and check their recipes section. The website is loaded with fun, information on how to integrate this fruit to your daily diet.

My favorite is however the Avocado Fiesta Salsa. Try it out. You would love it.

So, the next time you spot this fruit in your produce aisle don’t forget to pick it up for the next meal.


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Real Age