Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Busken Bakery’s Presidential Cookie Poll in Cincinnati, Ohio

The presidential candidates need to win Ohio to claim or reclaim the oval office. According to the Busken Bakery Cookie Poll, Barack Obama has just about clinched the deal. Since 1984, Busken Bakery has invited voters to “Chews your Candidate.” To help the decision-making process, the Cincinnati bakery sells cookies iced with the likenesses of the Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls. With one day to go, President Obama is leading Mitt Romney 14,317 to 12,609.

Crunching and munching the numbers

The Busken Bakery “Government Bake Sale” tracks Obama and Romney cookie sales. They update the numbers daily through election day. Customers who wish to “vote” in the poll, simply pluck down around $3.50. to purchase the candidate cookie of their choice. Voters may make their selection at Busken Bakeries throughout Cincinnati and Hamilton County. Undecided voters can always buy a smiley face cookie if they’re still not ready to declare their position.

It’s a simple poll. The candidate– or the cookie– that sells the most is the winner. Of course it’s not a very scientific way to measure a presidential lead. Still it’s probably about as accurate as some of those hot and cold national political polls that keep some voters on pins and needles until Election Day. And the cookie poll is a lot tastier than a boring political questionnaire.

Busken Bakery is a Cincinnati based company that has been selling baked goods since Joe Busken, Sr. opened his doors in 1928. For decades they’ve cooked up some of the best cakes, pies, donuts and cookies in town. I speak from personal experience. Busken Bakery’s main location was just a few blocks away from my high school. It was my favorite stop for after school snacks.

F.Y.I. Barack Obama beat John McCain in the 2008 Busken Presidential Cookie Poll.


Karla News

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