Business: Encouraging Upward Communication

Upward communication within an organization can be hard to achieve for a number of reasons. Many times employees are intimidated by the prospect and instead choose to communicate nothing at all. Another issue with upward communication lies in the fact that upward communication is not only intimidating for the employee, but also for the supervisor. As a manager of a small group, I believe that it would be very important to encourage upward communication and let the employees know that their opinions are important, as well as welcome.

Foremost, I believe that an open door policy with the employees would be vital to maintaining the type of relationship that would encourage open lines of communication. If an employee feels comfortable with a supervisor, he or she is more likely to approach the supervisor if an issue arises. Going hand in hand with this policy would be the supervisor also utilizing the open door policy with the employees. Talking with an employee in his or her own space, as opposed to the supervisor’s space, also helps to relax the employee and encourage upward communication. This is not to say the supervisor should cross appropriate boundaries, but should maintain the same level of professionalism with all employees. Everyone must feel equally valued in order for the delicate balance of the organization to become or remain a healthy work environment.

Another important form of upward communication can be captured through performance evaluations or meetings. Setting a set time to air issues, as well as discuss the future of the employee, will reassure the employee that he or she is valued. If an employee feels valued, he or she will be more apt to share ideas with the company. It is important in these meetings to allow the employee ample time for expression, as well as ensure that his or her opinion is being heard. These meetings may result in the discussion of confidential matters, which must stay confidential. There is no better way to discourage upward communication that to destroy the trust between a supervisor and an employee. When an employee feels that he or she can discuss delicate issues with his or her supervisor, it will help to encourage upward communication.

Departmental meetings are a popular form of upward communication but are often times overused. I strongly believe that these meetings must encourage group participation and be relevant to the employees as a whole. It would seem that management styles that use private meetings to address personal work issues and projects, instead of addressing everyone’s issues in one meeting, are more effective. An open forum at the conclusion of the meeting will also help ensure that each employee’s issues are given time to be discussed. This will allow feedback from other employees in the department. Departmental meetings also allow for the public recognition of private accomplishments, as well group appreciation. When an employee knows that the work he or she performs will be publicly acknowledged, it can help boost moral as well as promote a team spirit .

Many times strong ideas come out of small groups. A problem solving group within a department or company will allow the employees the chance to work on interdisciplinary projects while being able to draw from each other’s strengths. In addition, this may allow these individuals time to compare management styles and techniques with other employees. This is often true for advisory committees in which employees can draw from the experiences and knowledge of others, and more formally communicate to management what they would like to see within the organization.
Most importantly, upward communication must be encouraged through downward communication. Employees must feel that they are valued and that his or her opinions matter. The best way to convey this message is through liberal downward communication.

Karla News

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