Categories: Movies

‘Burlesque’ Theme Party Planning Ideas

Cher stars in “Burlesque” as the owner of The Burlesque Lounge – a club that has seen far better days. Christina Aguilera stars as wide-eyed Alli, who has come to the big city to seek her break. The movie has spectacular costumes, set design, and tons of fun music, which can very easily transfer over into a party that will keep your guests entertained and talking for hours.

Set The Mood

When throwing a theme party, you want to set the expectations off the bat. While most people prefer the convenience of organizing an event via Facebook, theme parties beg for invitations to be sent or handed out in person. The more effort you put into the invites, the more you’ll find your guests into it as well. For a “Burlesque” themed invitation, you have many easy options to choose from. Purchase some blank cardstock at a craft supply store that comes with matching envelopes and a spool of ribbon that contrasts with the cards. Punch 6 to 8 holes down the front of the card and lace the ribbon through as if it were a corset. You can add glitter to the card if you want, or add sequins and glitter into the envelope itself.

On the interior of the card, place a contrasting color of cardstock or paper with the details. Play on the slogan of the movie – “It takes a legend to make a star” – by having a phrase such as “Come star in my Burlesque show!” or “Chilly nights need a legendarily risqué time.” Then again, the title song “Welcome to Burlesque” says it all! Your imagination can help you. Make sure that you include on the invitation if you want your guests to dress appropriately to the theme or not.

Dress The Stage

Now, how can you turn your small one-bedroom into a sultry cabaret? It can be done easily and come out relatively inexpensive! Remember that burlesque came over to the United States near the turn of the century and skyrocketed into popularity during the Jazz age, so think retro! Prohibition ear speakeasies, smoky lounges, and places you would never want your mother to know you’ve been should be your main inspiration. Research some of the trends of this area (as well as some of the modern burlesque troupe venues) and head out to your local craft stores and discount department stores.

These places have tons of options for costumes and decorations. Find some discount fabric with a sheen in dark red or purple to put over the windows. Pair them with heavy gold-roped window pulls and create the illusion of a stage curtain! Use the fabric as tablecloths or anything else you might need to cover. Drizzle glitter and sequins on the food table and bar area. Go to a thrift store to find champagne flutes (or pick up some plastic ones from a party supply store) for your burly babe guests to drink from. Put together fascinators for your guests by purchasing ostrich feathers, inexpensive tulle, and alligator clips. They’ll love the take home gift and it will put everyone in the right mood. Also, don’t forget to take the lighting down a few notches by purchases tea-lights to set into inexpensive globes which will help set the mood too.

As far as food and drinks go, this is completely dependent on your budget. Foodwise, you can always go classy with fondue and treats, be it cheese or chocolate that your guests can dip in. It gives a touch of class to the party, is a step above traditional ‘chips and dip’ fare, and if done right, won’t cost an arm and a leg. Drinks are always a personal preference, but keep in mind your theme. If you need to do it BYOB, make sure to mention that on your invitation so your guests can plan ahead. You should offer a few non-alcoholic drinks as hostess, especially for those that are the DD in your crowd.

Strike Up The Band

At the end of the night, what will make a Burlesque party is the music. Get some songs from the soundtrack, mix in Cher classics alongside Christina, and don’t hedge on the big band music! There are some burlesque compilation playlists out there that can help those that might struggle with choosing the music. If you live in a larger metropolitan area, find some of your local Burlesque stars and see if they wouldn’t mind coming in for a performance. Orchestrate a burlesque lesson at the start of the night to give your guests the appropriate moves.

The best thing about “Burlesque” is that the movie is about self-expression, as is the form of performance art the movie takes inspiration from. Keep in mind that above all, your guests should feel like they are allowed to express their inner diva, no matter what shape, size, color, or gender they are. With a few tips from this article to jump off from and a dedication to having a safe and fun time, your guests will be shimmying their hips and twisting their fringe in no time!

Note: This was written by a Yahoo! contributor. Join the Yahoo! Contributor Network to start publishing your own articles.

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