Categories: Education

Building a Student’s Self Esteem in the Classroom

Being a new teacher, I have noticed that the more self esteem your students have, the greater work you get out of them. In addition, they behave better and you have less classroom problems that disrupt the classroom learning environment. For the past two years , I taught upper level learning disabled children. This year, I am teaching autistic children.However, it doesn’t matter which population you are teaching. These suggestions can be used for any age group or any educational level of student.

1. Give specific praise. Rather than saying I’m proud of you, try telling the child what it is that they have done to make you proud. For instance, if he tries very hard to finish his math assignment, tell him ” Thank you for working so hard on that math assignment.” Specific praise works much better than generic praise. That way, the child knows which behavior or work skill to repeat in the future.

2. Phone student’s house in the first week of school to give positive praise on each child. While this might be harder on some children, even the most unruly child has at least one positive trait or characteristic. Not only will this raise the child’s self esteem to know the teacher finds them valuable, but it will develop positive rapport with the parent. If you need to call the parent later in the year because their child is in trouble, the parent will be more receptive to your phone call.

3. Be sure to post student’s work. It doesn’t matter what grade level the student is. Try to find the best work sample for every student and post it in some area, such as a bulletin board where everyone can see it. It is amazing how displaying a student’s work will increase their tendency to complete work and do it to their best ability.

4. Put positive post it notes around the classroom. Surprise your students by having positive post it notes addressed to the student and place them on the door when they come in, on the pencil sharpener, on the bathroom door,or on their seat. Not only will it encourage the student, but it becomes some what of a game to find your own positive post it note in the classroom.

5. Probably the simplest way to increase a child’s self esteem is to greet him at the door. It may be your most difficult student, but find something positive to say. ” Johny, I like the way you walked quietly down the hallway. Thank you and welcome to my class.” It is amazing what a smile can do. However, make sure that your comment is sincere or the children will not listen in the future. Children are experts at catching insincerity.

I have implemented all of these in my classroom in the past and am presently using some. Even with autistic children, I have seen their self esteem increase. If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish most anything. So a positive teacher and classroom can go a long way in ensuring a child’s success in the classroom. In the long run, better self esteem equals less behavior problems and better grades!


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