Categories: Decorating & Design

Budget Dining Room Decorating Ideas for Spring

If you want to refresh your dining room for spring, you don’t have to invest thousands in new furniture, decor and drapery. Instead, here’s a handful of budget alternatives to conventional decorating ideas. With a little color and imagination, you can give your dining room a brand new look and fresh atmosphere, which will echo the beauty of spring outdoors.

Furniture Exchange

Placing outdoor furniture in your indoor dining room will give the space a garden party feel. So why not change your dining room furniture for spring? At a garden center look for wrought-iron garden or porch furniture. Many home stores have spring sales on outdoor furniture, making this a great time to buy. And if you already have beautiful garden furniture outside, why not bring that set into your dining room, then place your somber dining room set outside? Just be sure to cover your wood furniture with painter’s tarp on rainy days.

Wall Makeover

Nothing affects the atmosphere of a room like color. To give your dining room a makeover for spring without spending a fortune, choose a bright, playful color for your walls. Lime green, orange or yellow are all wonderful colors for spring, which will give your dining room a brand new look. You can paint all the walls, or just one prominent wall, turning it into an accent wall.

Curtain Disappearance Act

Now that the sun is shining outside and your garden is blooming, why should you cover your windows and hide all this beauty? Instead, take down your curtains. If you want to leave your windows bare, simply remove the curtain polls also. But if you like having curtains, buy sheer curtains for your dining room, or use no-hemming tape to make your own sheer curtains out of craft store fabric.

Roll Away Your Rug

Give your room a bare, airy feel by removing the rug from the floor. The tiles or wood floor will feel cool under your feet as you sit to eat. But if you have a dark carpet in your dining room, refresh it with an opposite approach. Add a light-colored rug which will impart an atmosphere of spring to the room. A cheap, thin rug is all you need, and you can find a floral, colorful one at online rug or home outlets.

Table Centerpiece

Decorate your dining room table with something of the outdoors. Pottery sold at garden centers will look beautiful in your spring dining room makeover. Alternatively, display a large bouquet of flowers from your garden in a ceramic vase. Or if you want something more playful, look for a bird house or miniature wheelbarrow at a craft store. You can paint them in bright, spring colors and use these whimsical elements as a beautiful spring centerpiece.

Bright Seat Cushions

Complete your colorful dining room decor with seat cushions from your garden center, which are typically cheaper than kitchen or dining room ones. Choose colorful cushions that match the wall color you’ve selected for your dining room. Together the cushions and walls will give your spring dining room makeover the sunny disposition you’re after.

Decorating your dining room for the season is a wonderful way to welcome Easter and the summer months. Your family meals will feel as sunny and bright as the weather outside.

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