Categories: Beauty

Boudoir Photography Tips – Posing for Plus Sized Girls

Sophia Loren was once quoted as saying “Sex appeal is fifty percent what you’ve got and fifty percent what people think you’ve got”. Boudoir photography is for every woman no matter her age, size or relationship status. Every woman can be sexy and has her own brand of beauty. Boudoir portraits taken by a professional phtographer can reveal that.

Plus size boudoir photography is just as sexy as any other type. There are a few posing and lighting tricks that will make the most of plus sized curves while minimizing problem areas.

Pick the Right Lingerie:

Give your plus sized model lingerie suggestions for her boudoir photo shoot. Stretchy cottons and small printed patterns are not the best choice. Ill-fitting lingerie, especially if it is too tight, is very hard to work with. Make sure she tries on each piece before buying it. Lingerie with a lot of structure like a corset is very flattering and will make her look slimmer. Silk or satin lingerie that glides over her curves is also a good choice. Bras should support around the rib cage so that her bra straps won’t have to be tightened to the point where they are pushing into the shoulders and causing bulges. Panties should also fit so they aren’t pressing into her skin. Have her bring a pair of high-heeled shoes. For standing poses this will improve her posture and make her look more slender. Don’t be afraid to use sheets, robes or shawls to artfully give her coverage while still showing a lot of skin.

Highlight Her Assets with Posing:

Every woman has concerns about different parts of her body, but every woman also has features that are unique and sexy. Highlight those features for beautiful images she will love.

The eyes are one of the most captivating feature. Take a look at any men’s magazine. The models are almost always making eye contact with the camera. Eye contact is sexy, alluring and captivating. Using a high camera angle will make her look up improving the look of her jaw line and opening her eyes.

While curves are super sexy you will want to make sure to minimize her hips and tummy. Every woman is self conscious about these areas no matter her size. Make sure her hips are further away from the camera than her face and shoulders. Using a long lens will compress everything behind the focal point. Tummies are easy to conceal with either outfit choices, having her lay on her tummy or with props. Just be very mindful to create poses that don’t look like you are trying to hide anything. It should look natural and not forced. Try having her lay on her front with her elbows propping her up (this will show and enhance her cleavage). Have her face you but at a slight angle and bring the knee of the front leg slightly forward to create a feminine curve to her body.

Use Flattering Lighting:

Directional lighting is your best bet. Flat or straight-on lighting will have the effect of making her look heavy. No girl will appreciate this, plus sized or not. Move your light off to the side to throw half of her face and body into shadow. This will have a slimming effect. Don’t be afraid of using shadows to create mystery. Throwing problem areas into shadow while having the light illuminate her favorite parts will create a stunning effect.

Short lighting is a term portrait photographers use. If a face is turned slightly away from you (about 45 degrees or slightly less) there will be a narrow side and a broad side. The closet side to you will be the broad side because you can see more of the face and the ear. Turning your model toward the light will light the narrow side. The broad side will be in shadow and your model will look much thinner. This is a trick you can try with natural light as well as studio lights.

With a combination of beautifully fitting lingerie, posing and lighting you can create very sexy images of plus sized women. Sophia Loren also said “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” With the confidence a woman will receive from having a rewarding boudoir photography session she will feel sexier and more beautiful. The images she is giving may be a gift for the man in her life but they will also be a gift to her as a woman.


Karla News

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