Categories: Food & Wine

Boston Market Frozen Mac ‘N Cheese: Consumer Product Review

Macaroni and cheese is a favorite food of hungry diners worldwide. While the preparation of this dish is fairly easy and does not usually require lots of time, many people prefer to purchase prepared macaroni and cheese from their local supermarkets. One of the most flavorful and expertly- prepared frozen brands of this product is the Boston Market (R) brand of macaroni and cheese. With over 600 restaurants in at least 28 American states, Boston Market (R) has established itself as one of America’s leading take- out and eat- in restaurant chains. Among the most popular menu items featured at Boston Market (R) restaurants is their delicious macaroni and cheese. Now, to the delight of many of their restaurant customers, as well as consumers unfamiliar with their delicious products, frozen Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese is available in many major supermarkets and at other food retailers.

The 11.5 ounce portion of Boston Market (R) frozen Mac ‘N Cheese is packaged in an attractive plastic container which can be utilized for heating the product in microwave ovens. Unlike menu items from some other restaurants that have been adapted into supermarket items, Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese has successfully made the transition without losing any of its original attributes. The appearance, taste and texture of the supermarket version of this product is virtually identical to the restaurant version. If microwave oven heating of foods does not appeal to you, Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese can also easily be heated on the stovetop in a saucepan over low heat. Be sure to stir the product fairly frequently, to avoid sticking or scorching. This product tastes too good to waste even a drop.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sample the frozen version of Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese and was very satisfied with the product. I chose to heat the macaroni and cheese in a small saucepan on the stovetop. Just a few minutes after I began heating the product, my kitchen was filled with a delectable aroma that thoroughly whet my appetite. In all, I heated the Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese for approximately ten minutes, until it was nice and bubbly- hot and served it with a nice slab of leftover meatloaf. The delectable macaroni and cheese was delicately, yet confidently seasoned and offered a great ratio of cheese flavor to macaroni, avoiding the all- too- common pitfall of overly- cheesy macaroni and cheese variations. The 11.5 oz container, which is designed to provide one serving, was just enough to adequately complement the meatloaf, although if there was more of it, I most certainly would have eagerly consumed it.

For those who are unfamiliar with Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese, it does not resemble most versions of the dish. Unlike many, if not most macaroni and cheese varieties, the Boston Market (R) variety does not utilize elbow macaroni. Instead, this product is made up of large squiggles of Rotini pasta, which provide for a much more toothsome bite and are frankly, more fun to eat. The rich, creamy cheese sauce that coats the rotini pasta is made from American and Cheddar cheeses, with just a hint of Blue Cheese added for extra flavor. While Boston Market (R) Mac ‘N Cheese is perfectly suitable for and regularly consumed by many children, it is also somewhat of a more refined, or “adult” version of the dish. Nutritionally, this frozen macaroni and cheese contains 450 calories, with 160 calories from fat per serving. Each 11.5 oz container of this competitively priced, vegetarian item contains one serving. All things considered, Boston Market (R) frozen Mac ‘N Cheese is a delicious product that is highly recommended by this food writer.

Karla News

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