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Black and White Clownfish: Not Your Average Clownfish


You will usually enter the pet store and see many types of Clownfish. The Black and White Clownfish is a little bit different than the normal clownfish you find in most aquariums. These fish are strictly black and white with a light shade of around near their mouths. These fish only reach a couple of inches in length and can be kept in any size aquarium that is over ten gallons. It’s nice to have small fish in a saltwater tank because you can have more fish that you would if you had a 55 gallon tank with several large fish. These fish will also eat less and you won’t need a very large tank to keep them inside of.

These fish are great for the beginner. They are a wonderful choice if you are just starting out in the saltwater industry. You can purchase several of these clownfish to go in a tank together but you will probably want to pick out a pair, one male and one female. This is because these fish can be somewhat aggressive towards other fish but if you have one of each sex than you won’t have to worry about them being aggressive. This way you can still have several clownfish but you don’t have to worry about the fish becoming territorial.

These fish need to be placed into a tank that is between 71 and 76 degrees. You can place a heater in the tank to make sure that the water doesn’t fluctuate more then a couple of degrees per day. Without a heater in your tank you will see the water stay at about 75 degrees. You will not want to set the heater at 75 degrees but instead set the heater for something close to 73 degrees. Make sure that you keep the fish tank away from any types of vents and windows also.

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Black And White Clownfish will not destroy your coral in your fish tank which is great. A lot of larger fish will eat some types of coral or pick at it to find the food that they are looking for, which is usually worms that are growing out of the inside of the coral. By doing this, they can break off pieces of the coral and knock it over. With this fish, you won’t have to worry about that happening. You can purchase all the hard coral and soft coral that you would like to and not worry about it.

These fish will eat anything from algae which is placed on algae clips, to different types of flake food and they will also eat frozen food as well. When you enter the pet store and you go to the fish section you will often find a freezer located in this section. They will have different varieties of brine shrimp as well as some varieties of mysis shrimp. The majority of fish will eat these two types of foods. You can also purchase saltwater variety packs which come with a few more varieties of saltwater fish food.
