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Bishop Weeks III Goes on BET to Defend Himself Against Prophetess Bynum’s Abuse Allegations

At the end of last summer, the church-going world was in shock when they heard that Bishop Thomas Weeks III allegedly choked and kicked his wife Prophetess Juanita Bynum in a hotel parking lot. Both had their share of followers and seemed to be partaking in the perfect marital union. Everyone wondered what happened?

To date, Prophetess Juanita Bynum had been doing all of the talking. She told the Christian post that she was the new face of a battered woman. Then, she went on Star Jones’ TV show and talked about her continual love for her husband, but she must exit the marriage for safety. It all painted a glum picture of a spiritual woman who’d gone through a lot in the name of love. Yet, now, a different story is emerging and it’s coming from none other than her alleged batterer.

Bishop Thomas Weeks III did a 30 minute segment on Sunday, January 20, 2008, on BET. It was called “Bishop Speaks.” In it, he spoke as much as he could about his marriage to the prophetess and the abuse allegations. He kept some information back because of their pending court case. He had the following to say.

“She proposed to me.”

Weeks’ proclaims that Bynum is the one who proposed the idea of marriage. It happened after he helped bail her out of a bad situation with an upcoming conference that few women had interest in attending. She called on him due to his extensive experience in administration and with conferences. As a result, he was able to build up her attendance. They got close. Then, she asked him to marry.

“She had the message inside of her, but not the end result.”

Weeks’ says that he married Bynum because he thought he was getting the perfect wife. His idea was based on the type of messages she spoke about marriage and women. However, after their union, he quickly realized that the message was in her, but not the end results. He states the same was true about him. They only had the potential of a successful union inside of them.

“She married me because she needed a King to become a Queen.”

Weeks’ proclaims that there were certain areas of the ministry that Bynum could not enter into without being married. So she needed a man of spiritual caliber similar to hers to enter. That’s why she married him. He was an integral man of God.

“When I went to visit my daughter, I’d come home to a different wife.”

Weeks’ says that Bynum and his daughter from a prior relationship were never close. However, the situation was compounded by the fact that they could not have children together. Bynum loves children so that really hurt her.

“I never hit Juanita.”

Weeks’ says he never hit Bynum and gives a different tale of the hotel parking lot event. He says that while in the parking lot, she (Juanita) tried to block him from getting into his car. She began to swing at him and he pushed her away. Then, she fell. The bellhop came up at this time and appeared violent, so he left.

He says this was not the first incident. Bynum had thrown his laptop out of a car during another incident after a Bishop’s conference and then attacked him after she’d had surgery. She was the batterer, not him.

“She wants to quit preaching and be the next Oprah.”

Weeks’ says his wife no longer wants to preach and go on the road. She really wants to go to Hollywood and become the next Oprah at any means necessary. He believes this is why she is creating this tale about him with the help of others. She needs a focal message for her ministry along with a way to ditch him. She found it that night in the parking lot.

In conclusion, the Bishop Weeks III interview was very intriguing to the point that it makes Bynum seem like a misguided woman. Based on his word, more will come out in the future during their court hearing. It will be very interesting to see who is the lamb in sheep’s clothing. Bishop. Prophetess. Or both.


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