Categories: Legal

Best Schools for Paralegal Training

The paralegal profession is one of the hottest fields around. One can find paralegal training almost everywhere; therein lies the problem. Because the paralegal profession is so popular, one can safely assume that the field will quickly become over-crowded. Therefore, if you are pursuing a paralegal career, you must do something that will set you apart from the rest of the crowd. Before you decide to go after the most prestigious paralegal training, you must be firm in your decision to become a paralegal. In this article, it is assumed that you have already decided on pursing a paralegal career.

You will have to understand the fact that prestigious paralegal training will require more money than average paralegal programs. This should be fairly obvious as “prestigious” is almost synonymous with “more expensive.” However, you should keep in mind that you will be well rewarded for your efforts. You need to know that the law can be a very elitist field. Sometimes it is even more important WHERE you received your training than what, or even who you know. Getting the most prestigious paralegal training will make you more attractive to prestigious and higher paying law firms; thus, making you a more highly paid paralegal professional than the average Joe. In the end, you must realize that your paralegal training will pay off with a well paying job.

It will be key for you to understand that prestigious paralegal training will usually come in the form of a certificate. There are dozens of paralegal degree programs across the nation, but most prestigious universities offer their paralegal programs as certificates. Which do you think looks better to law firms, an applicant with a paralegal certificate from a prestigious university associated with a rigorous law school, or an applicant with a paralegal degree from a community college or some obscure university? In the real world, we all know that it shouldn’t really make any difference, but again, the law is an elitist field.

Check into the paralegal training that is offered by Boston University. Boston University is a prestigious university that has graduated dozens of lawyers who have gone on to become senators, governors, poet laureates, academians, and heads of business, from the president of Microsoft to the president of the Coca Cola Corporation. The list of graduates includes easily recognizable names like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Isaac Asimov, Julia Child, Julianne Moore, and Alfre Woodard. Nobel Peace Prize winning author Ellie Wiesel is a current faculty member, and past members have included Saul Bellow, and the aforementioned Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You may attend either classroom or online training to earn your paralegal certificate from Boston University. Click on the link below to access info about the paralegal training offered at Boston University.

Boston University Paralegal Training

Look into the paralegal training that is offered by Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Notable Emory University Alumni include the Honorable Judge Glenda Hatchett (Judge Hatchett Show), Bernice King (daughter of Dr. Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King), and businessman & politician Sam Nunn. Notable faculty include former President James Earl Carter (Jimmy Carter), The Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gayatso), and Bishop Desmond Tutu. The paralegal program at Emory University is located on the grounds of the astonishingly beautiful, sprawling Emory campus. Some of the biggest law firms in the country like Alston & Bird, and large corporations such as Coca Cola, will automatically hire graduates of Emory’s paralegal program because they know that Emory offers an excellent education. Click below for the link to Emory University’s paralegal training program.

Emory University Paralegal Training

Through its school of continuing education, Georgetown University, in the nation’s capital, offers an excellent paralegal training program. Notable alumni from Georgetown University include former President William Jefferson Clinton (Bill Clinton), His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. From Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, to Pearl Bailey and Maria Shriver, famous and important people have always attended Georgetown University. The 12 month paralegal training program is offered entirely on campus at the university. Sitting on the banks of the Potomac River, Georgetown University’s campus is absolutely stunning. According to current Department of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC is one of the highest paying areas for Paralegals in the United States. Paralegal salaries in DC are on par with attorney salaries in some areas of the country. If you choose to complete your paralegal certificate at Georgetown, you may just decide to stay in the area in order to get a high paying job. If you wish to study the paralegal profession, Georgetown University will afford you one of the best opportunities in the country. Click on the link below to obtain information about Georgetown University’s paralegal training program.

Georgetown University Paralegal Training

This is a short list of paralegal training programs offered by prestigious universities. If you take the time to research more, I’m sure you will find that other such opportunities exist. Hiring managers tend to associate better schools with better training – like it or not, that’s a fact. The alumni of these schools read like a who’s who list of notoriety. If it is at all possible, you should shoot for the very best as you train for the paralegal profession. Your association with these schools will afford you much greater respect. If you’re going to do something, do it right! Getting your paralegal training from a prestigious university is definitely the right thing to do.

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