Categories: Movies

Best Japanese Live-Action Film Adaptations of Popular Manga

One thing that U.S. filmmakers like to do is to remake Japanese films. Now, U.S. filmmakers have decided to adapt the Japanese light novel “All You Need is Kill” into a live-action film starring Tom Cruise. Really? There is nothing wrong with enjoying something made by another country and wanting to make a movie out of it, but the U.S. has bad history with remakes and adaptations. Before long, the U.S. will start making live-action films based on manga. Oh wait, there’s a Spielberg helmed “Oldboy” on its way. The U.S. needs to stay away from live-action film versions of popular Japanese manga. Avoid the new “Oldboy” and “All You Need is Kill” and watch these live-action adaptations of manga that have already been done right by Japan.

‘Death Note’

There are two live-action films based on the “Death Note” manga and one spin-off film made because the world adored Kenichi Matsuyama as L. Death Note” is the story of a book that kills people when someone writes a name on its pages. Light begins to hand out justice by killing criminals but his habit gets out of hand and the quirky L must stop him. “Death Note” is one of the best live-action adaptations of a manga ever made.

‘Battle Royale’

“Battle Royale” is an adaptation of the book, but the series also has a manga and a manga based on the second film. It is the story of group of school kids forced to kill each other for survival in a sick and twisted game. Yes, that sounds similar to “The Hunger Games,” but “Battle Royale” existed long before “The Hunger Games” and is much harsher, bloodier, and darker. That also makes it better. It also stars the great Beat Takeshi.

‘Ichi the Killer’

“Ichi the Killer” is one of the most disturbing movies ever made and has been banned in several countries. Takashi Miike, a director known for his dark films, went all out with “Ichi the Killer” and made it so bloody and perverted that many people can’t watch it. The film comes from a manga, meaning the disturbing ideas did not come from the dark mind of Takashi Miike, but from the author, Hideo Yamamoto.

‘Detroit Metal City’

Detroit Metal City” is the story of a man who wants to become a pop music star, but instead gains fame through his alter ego from a death metal band. The live-action film adaptation of the manga really brings the strange but fun story to life. Kenichi Matsuyama plays both roles, the shy pop singer and the psychotic death metal star, and he seems like two different people.

‘A Boy and His Samurai’

“A Boy and His Samurai” is based on a manga, but it is director Yoshihiro Nakamura who really made the story shine. It is the tale of a single mom raising her son with the help of a time-traveling samurai that likes to bake. It is hilarious, heart-warming, and a must-see film for everyone. Sadly, it’s not so easy to obtain in the U.S. just yet.

Karla News

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