Categories: Seniors

Best GPS Navigational Systems for Seniors

What are the top GPS systems for the senior who is still allowed to drive? The GPS Navigational systems are amazing advancements in technology. Used to its maximum, these system have features that will aid in providing seniors with additional if not more help when driving city streets and highways or even interstate driving.

With today’s number of drivers on the road and their reckless driving habits, seniors not only sometimes fear driving, they fear it to such a point that it can cause major accidents. Most have experienced or seen an elderly person driving slowly. When an oncoming vehicle approaches the slow driver, sometimes they blow their horn in an effort to make them either move over or to get in another lane. The senior driver will brake causing a tailgater to hit them or cause major traffic problems. They seem to become disenchanted or fearful that they might have done something wrong or might be on the verge of doing something wrong.

There seems to be little tolerance or patience on the roads at times for the individual who is aging and struggling to maintain some semblance of Independence.

When driving, a GPS navigational system can be a life saver for the senior driver. There are some that seem to provide features that are more conducive to the senior driver.

The Garmin 660 GPS Navigational System

The Garmin GPS systems are not complicated at all. Seniors can simply remove any Garmin from its box, place it on their dash and begin to use it. Instructions are not complicated and the systems are easy to use. Garmins have touch screen accessible search capabilities. Enter the state, city, address or street name and a map is provided. Or, enter a specific business you are trying to locate and in minutes, you have all businesses with the name and their locations. Major restaurants, all hospitals, even movie theaters are accessible through the Garmin systems. If you want the directions to be provided through the voice activated system, speak the words and the systems provides ‘voice’ instructions or directions. In addition, warnings are provided identifying congested areas, traffic backups, unidentified areas to avoid, railways or intersection warnings. After entering a destination, the systems tracks the route and provides instructions. If by chance you take a wrong turn, the system alerts you of the problems and begins to recalculate the route. When reaching your location, you can remove the system to your purse or pocket to access walking instructions or other information.

Tom-Tom GPS Navigational System

The Tom Tom is not as detailed or advanced a s the Garmin, however, some seniors and even young adults find the simplicity of the Tom-Tom refreshing and much more user friendly. Access points of interest by selecting the state, city and entering a one word statement such as ‘restaurants’ or even to be more definitive enter ‘Italian Restaurants.’ The Tom Tom will provide a list of the options available. When your destination has been selected, the Tom Tom tracks the route, provides the distance from where you are to your destination with the best route and number of miles to reach your destination. In addition, the Tom Tom provides phone number. If you have a bluetooth enabled cell phone, the system can dial the number after your request is made. And by the way, the Tom Tom offers the option to select from several distinct voices. Select male or female, young or old or to some wives dismay, the sexy voice! Wives, girlfriends or even a date may have issues with a few of the ‘sexy’ voice options.

The Garmin and the Tom Tom are both excellent GPS systems for the senior driver. In addition, the two manufacturers have a wide range of models that have more features some designed for the sole purpose of finding a senior citizen if they might have driven off and cannot find their way back home. Children with parents who wish to maintain their independence yet might have some memory issues may wish to have a GPS tracking system included.

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