Categories: Alternative Medicine

Best Alternative Therapies to Consider

Alternative therapies are all the rage now. When conventional medicine fails us or doesn’t work as we had hoped, turning to alternative medicine is a great decision. There are many different alternative therapies out there that are affordable, easy to find and have been proven to work great.

One of the most popular alternative therapies is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment that is a system of healing that dates back thousands of years. The core of acupuncture is the idea that a type of life force energy, called qi (pronounced chee) flows through pathways or meridians in the body. Each pathway corresponds to a certain organ or system of organs. If there is an imbalance, balance needs to be restored for a symptoms or disease to diminish. To restore the balance that is necessary, small needles are inserted into the body along certain spots, into particular pathways. Doing this unblocks the qi that is stuck and restores the balance in the body. The strongest feature of acupuncture is its ability to treat conditions for which conventional medicine has no answer or cure for. Acupuncture also increases our pain threshold, increases blood circulation, reduces cholesterol and regulates blood sugar. There are multiple benefits to acupuncture.

Another popular alternative therapy is herbal supplements. There are herbal supplements to treat almost any ailment. They are easy to find, affordable and results can be long term. Many herbal supplements need to be taken for a few months before true results are seen. Taking them regularly and at the correct dosage can help to see results stay around long term. Some popular herbal supplements are cinnamon, vitex, saw palmetto, aloe vera, green tea, black cohosh, St. John’s wort as well as many others. These are easy to take and usually have little or no side effects associated with them. You can find herbal supplements at your local health food store and online as well.

Reflexology is another alternative therapy that many people turn to when conventional medicine fails them or in conjunction with conventional medicine for optimal results. Reflexology is the application of pressure and movement to the feet and hands in certain spots. This can help to break up stress in other areas of the body. The nervous system may hold the key to why reflexology works for many. Some say that this treatment has the ability to target specific parts of the body and enable proper flow of the body’s energies. This therapy has been known to improve circulation, strengthen the immune system, decrease stress and help with mood swings.

Kinesiology is an alternative therapy that is not quite so popular yet. It is testing the muscles in the body to discover what the body needs for healing. Kinesiologists may also use other forms of alternative therapies such as nutrition, acupressure and herbs to further treatment.

Acupressure is another great option in alternative therapies. It is a healing therapy that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the body to stimulate the body’s own natural self healing abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote circulation of blood. Acupressure uses the same points as acupuncture does, minus the needles. Acupressure is the older of the two methods and not seen as frequently as acupuncture but both can have similar effects of each other.

Nutrition is a very important part of alternative therapy. Eating a healthy balanced diet is very important in any healing process. There are holistic nutritionists that can help you to pick a healthy diet that will complement any alternative therapies that you may chose to do.

Many people turn to alternative therapy when other treatments have failed or not done their job completely and these people are seeing amazing results. In many cases, both alternative and conventional therapies can be used together and greater results are seen at a quicker rate. If you decide to try alternative therapies, do some research and keep an open mind. Alternative therapies can do wonders for your body and mind.

Karla News

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