Categories: Marketing

Become a Product Tester and Keep the Products

Did you know that most companies pay consumers to test their new products before they put them on the market? Some even pay consumers to try their just released products and spread the word to their family and friends. Do you like getting free stuff? Do you want something to do to pass away your free time? Why not consider becoming a product tester.

Where to start. There is an excellent company by the name of Companies hire Bzzagent to create a campaign that will educate consumers on their new product, and spread advertising by way of word of mouth. Bzzagent hires us (the consumer) to do the testing, learn the facts about the product, and tell someone else about it- creating a buzz.

Sign up. Signing up to become a bzzagent is free. Always remember that any website that asks you for money is probably a scam. Always check with the BBB if you come across any opportunity that sounds suspicious. To sign-up click the link in the resource box or visit

Watch the site and check your e-mail. When a new campaign becomes available, Bzzagent will notify you through your e-mail address. Just head over to their site to check out the new campaign.

Decide if this campaign is right for you. Not every campaign may interest you. You have the option to join this campaign or pass on it. After you have viewed their slide presentation, click join campaign or no thanks.

Joining a campaign. When you join a campaign you will be sent a campaign kit. The kit will include the product to be tested, coupons for the product, a bzzagent code of conduct card, and a product information booklet. Read the booklet and familiarize yourself with the information. Next, try out the product they sent you. Once you are comfortable with the product strike up a conversation with someone about it. Take note of their response whether it is good or bad. You will need to remember this when you make your bzzreport.

Report your bzz. Once you have told someone about the product head over to Click file report and describe your bzz activity in as much detail as possible. Tell where you bzzed, how you bzzed, who you bzzed to, and what their reactions were. Bzzagent expects you to be truthful. Always reveal to the person you bzzed that you are a bzzagent. Always report what happened whether it was good or bad. Not everyone will like all of the products. Once you complete the report you will earn points.

Redeem your points. You can redeem your points for more free products or for gift cards. You can also receive 5 points for each person you refer to bzzagent. Points add up fast and the extra free products are excellent quality and most are name brand (like the George Forman Grill).

As you can see this job does not pay cash, but rather free products. You are never asked for a dime. No one will want to see your credit card. It does not take much time to do and it is extremely fun. My latest campaigns included the following: Egg Creations (liquid eggs), a $70 Sonicare toothbrush, and Ziploc Twist and Loc containers. I hope this article has adequately explained how product testing works, and how you too can become involved in evaluating new products!


Karla News

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