Basics About Mold Illness and Mycotoxicosis

Yes, sometimes mold can make people sick.

Do you have symptoms that you can’t explain? Do the symptoms get better when you are out of the house? Did it start ever since you moved or smelled mold and mildew? There are many myths about mold related illness. Here is some information about mold related sickness.

These are some facts:

1. There are over 100,000 types of mold and most do not make people sick. However, some are more commonly pathogens (disease causing) than others such as Stachybotrys. Penicillium, Cladosporium, and Aspergillus are commonly found in homes and sometimes cause illness also. All molds are not the same and you can not make any general statements.

2.The 3 reactions possible from a specific pathological type of mold are 1) allergy (nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes, and sinus problems), 2) infections (A lung infection from Aspergillus is called a “fungal ball. And Stachybotrys is associated with bleeding in the lungs), and 3) toxins (mycotoxins/mycotoxicosis- can cause fatigue, headaches, joint pains, emotional or mood changes, difficulty sleeping, weakness, abdominal pain, urinary frequency, weakened immune system, difficulty concentrating, behavioral problems, diarrhea, etc). The mold smell is related to toxin called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) which can also cause illness. Some mycotoxins are even used in biological warfare like aflatoxin and trichothecenes.

3. Allergy blood testing can not always prove allergy antibodies exist to certain specific molds. Technology is limited and mycotoxins are not measured easily in urine or blood.

4. Not everyone in the same environment has the same reactions to pathogen. The timing of symptom onset can also vary from seconds to a few days. Certain individuals can be a lot more sensitive to mold (about 25 %) compared to others.

5. There are many group and individual case studies that identify certain specific pathological types of mold with certain symptoms. When a patient’s specific symptoms fit and greatly improve away from a specific type of pathological mold, then the association is supported.

6. Water leaks/flooding that are not fixed within 48 hours tend to allow mold growth which can spread or grow via spores and ideal humidity. DAMP=MOLD GROWTH

7. It is impossible to get rid of all molds. Mold, like bacteria, is everywhere. However, the difference is when people identify illness with a possible and specific mold. This association could prompt identification of mold and extraction and sterilization as appropriate. On the same regard, formal mold remediation is often recommended for any area with excessive mold even if it is not causing illness.

8. Avoidance is the core of mold related treatment. Cholestyramine is used by some environmental specialists to help the neurological symptoms which are probably due to mycotoxins (chemicals from certain molds) or other chemicals called volatile organic compounds. Other basic recommendations may include using an infra-red sauna, exercising more, improving nutrition naturally and/or with supplements (eg. vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3-fatty acids, alpha lipoic acid, etc.). There may be some nutritional problems related to mold illness. There may also be a specific association with mold related illness and gluten intolerance (gluten free diet may help?). An oriental medicine acupuncturist and herbalist would also be a great option for helping with symptoms along the journey back to health and wellness. Learn as much as you can and consult with your medical provider.

9. Resources:
A. (How to test for mold-can be cheap and easy but be careful)
B. Gust Environmental
C. Wood Environmental Services P.O. BOX 30900 Santa Barbara, CA 93130-0900 Phone (805) 563.0100 Fax (805) 682-7088
H. (What to do if you find mold)
I. CDC, EPA, WHO, and California Health Department also have information on mold related illnesses.

10. And finally, you should go through the motions,just in case it is something else, and consider checking for other causes of multi-system illness like autoimmune diseases, thyroid disease, sarcoidosis, lyme disease, celiac disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, vitamin deficiencies, depression, medication reactions, and other environmental possibilities (eg. pesticides, artificial chemicals in foods, formaldehyde from carpets, particle board, furniture,etc.). The examples of labs may include, CBC, TSH, free T3, free T4, comprehensive chemistry, ANA, RF, ACE level, CXR, UA, ESR, c-reactive protein, B12 level, vitamin D (25 hydroxy ), lyme disease panel, celiac disease panel, celiac disease PCR DNA, among others. Please note that most of the “basic labs” are normal with mold (mycotoxicosis) and chemically related illness but that does not mean you have a psychological problem causing it. Yes, any normal person with multiple medical symptoms that their doctors can not figure out would be depressed and anxious! If your doctor wants toyou with a diagnosis and tells you you need to live with it or it is in your mind than go to someone else who will respect you and keep looking for why you are ill and plans to make it go away. Insist on referrals if needed.

If you think you have a mold problem, see an environmental medicine specialist and mold inspector. Remember, many health care providers are not trained in environmental illnesses and sometimes the patient has to educate them. Also, in modern medicine we often only treat the symptoms with pills or inhalers and one needs to be conscientious about figuring out what, why, where, and how one is becoming ill. “Band aids” are not good enough. Also, dealing with mold is complicated and expensive and these facts contribute to biases in dealing with the problem. Remember Francis Bacon? “Knowledge is power.” And a famous paraphrased Hawaiian proverb says that “All knowledge comes from all schools”. Aloha. Brad Hope MD
Please note that this is general medical information and not intended as specific individualized medical care. Please see your medical providers for individualized medical care.

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