Basic Fire Safety Tips

Everyone should know basic fire safety tips. You should teach your children basic fire safety in case of an emergency. You should also teach basic fire prevention tips for safety. Most school age children learn stop, drop and roll if your clothes are on fire. If your children know stop, drop, and roll now is a good time to talk to them about fire safety and prevention.

Fire Safety Prevention and Tips:

Make sure every room has an exit. Most rooms have doorways. What if the hall ways are on fire? Make sure there is an accessible window.

Maintain doorways and windows. Make sure windows open and close easily and there is enough room for a body to fit through.

Do not block fire exits.

Discuss a safe meeting place outside of the house and make sure everyone knows where to meet.

Have smoke detectors labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM) placed in the home and change the batteries regularly. Test the smoke detectors once a month.

Keep flashlights handy in every room in case there is a fire or other emergency.

Sleep with bedroom doors closed. If there is a fire this keeps smoke and heat out of the other rooms.

Make sure everyone knows in a fire to just get out. Don’t look for clothes, valuables or even pets. Get out!

Get out of bed by rolling onto the floor and stay low. Smoke and gases can kill.

Chances are good it will be difficult or impossible to see so know your escape route ahead of time and practice it. Practice it blind folded.

Practice staying low to the ground when escaping.

Feel all doors before opening them. If a door is hot, get out another way.

Learn to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if clothes catch fire

Keep emergency numbers by the phone. This isn’t for you in case of a fire. This is in case a neighbor has a fire. Be sure to use your neighbor’s phone if you have a fire. Get out of your house!

Never hang cloth or paper near a heater. Put space heaters in the middle of the room and give them space.

Always be in a room if you have a candle burning. Never leave a candle burning if you are not in the room.

Leave your stove free of “catch all”. Be sure to keep everything including dish towels and oven mitts away from the stove.

If grease catches fire on your stove slide a lid over it.

Always turn pot handles inward.

If you have a fireplace be extra careful of shooting flames. Keep a fire rug around the fireplace.

Don’t smoke inside. A butt of a cigarette can cause a fire so be sure to extinguish your cigarette completely.

Put butts in ashtrays or water. Never leave them on the ground.

Never smoke in beds or smoke lying down.

Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.

Never store gasoline where a child can reach it.

Replace frayed or cracked electrical cords.

Never overload an outlet with extension cords.

Never run electrical wires under rugs.

If you change your fuses never use improper fuse sizes.

If someone is burned cool the burn with cold water. If a burn blisters or chars see a doctor immediately.

Unplug unused appliances.

Be careful of halogen lights. Turn them off and keep cloth, fabric and paper away from them.

Karla News

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