Categories: History

Ancient Chinese Inventions that We Still Use Today

It’s amazing to see what kinds of tools that we still use today that are actually inventions from Ancient China. The ancient Chinese civilization has taught us more than we realize. Even though technology continues to evolve, some of the most commonly used tools are still irreplaceable.

The Parachute
One of the first inventions from ancient China is a parachute. According to historical documents, the first documentation of a parachute was dated back to 90 B.C. With many pilots in the air and adventure seekers who enjoy jumping out of airplanes, a parachute is more important than ever. It is widely used every day by those who spend their day in the skies. Without a parachute, many could lose their lives!

The Compass
Another common tool that the ancient Chinese developed is the compass. How would we know our way around a forest without a compass? Of course, with today’s technological advances, the compass may be outdated as the GPS’s popularity increases. But if you were a former girl or boy-scout, then you would have used a compass to find your direction on trails or other assignments. The compass has helped us learn our directions by pointing the way for north, south, east and west. Today’s children have it easier, as a GPS speaks the direction that they need to go. The date is unknown to when the Chinese first developed a compass.

The Wheelbarrow
Gardeners will learn to appreciate the ancient Chinese civilization for this next invention: the wheelbarrow. Just where would you be without a wheelbarrow? According to history, the wheelbarrow was invented in first century B.C. Wheelbarrows are ideal for hauling flowers, plants, rock, sand or anything else heavy that we need help carrying along. This useful outdoor tool makes the process of gardening easier and quicker. Every day that you use a wheelbarrow; you can thank the ancient Chinese.

Planting Rows
Ancient China also helped us with another common planting tip: Planting rows. Farmers plant the majority of their crops in rows for proper growth, watering, weeding, development and harvesting. The ancient Chinese civilization began planting their crops in rows around sixth century, B.C. Historical documents also state that the Chinese of sixth century B.C learned that when wind traveled over rows of crops, there was less damage.

Horse Harness
Horse riders or those who use horses for transportation will be interested to know that the ancient Chinese civilization was responsible for inventing horse harnesses. In fourth century, B.C., there is photo evidence that shows a picture of a horse with a wooden chest yoke. Later, in the fifth century, the yoke was changed into softer straps that included a horse collar. Without the Chinese’s first knowledge and development of horse harnesses, we wouldn’t have evolved into the way that we transport horses today.

The ancient Chinese have contributed a large part of the development to commonly used tools. Without their knowledge and inventions, we may not have some of these items that are used each day. Today’s society owes thanks to the ancient Chinese inventions and we can still learn from their past by studying their history.


Karla News

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