Categories: Legal

Amusing Outdated Georgia Laws

Every state has its fair share of hilarious and bizarre laws of yesterday. While these laws are still technically in effect, most are no longer enforced.

These various state and local laws make one wonder, just what kind of crazy and superstitious folks were given authority in United States History?

Georgia State Laws

It is illegal to give a state senator a speeding ticket while the assembly is in session. Lame.

Swearing, cussing, or any profane language is strictly prohibited in the presence of a corpse.

Technically, it is considered a crime to sell, purchase, own, or use anything that could be considered a “sex toy”.

Better not give your pet any cocaine or hashish in GA, ’cause it is totally against the law. Aww, come on!

Running any sort of lottery or raffle is a punishable offense.

Columbus, Georgia Laws

Selling, purchasing, eating, or distributing any type of “corn flake cereal” on Sundays could land you in the slammer.

All Native Americans are required to return to their side of the Chattahoochee River by night fall. Ouch.

Don’t you love happy hour drink specials? 100% illegal in Columbus.

Carrying a gun, knife, or any type of weapon into a funeral home will land you in serious trouble.

Barbers are strictly prohibited from cutting hair on Sundays. However, beauty salons are allowed to be open.

Skinny dipping in public is a crime – only during the day time. Skinny dipping at night is totally cool.

Selling, purchasing, owning, or using pepper spray or mace will result in a fine or even jail time.

It is illegal to wear any sort of hat at a baseball, softball, or tee ball game. Yes, that includes hats promoting one of the teams that is playing.

Please don’t “tease idiots”, as it’s just not cool and is punishable by a fine.

Better not cuss on a land line phone in Columbus!

Model planes are only allowed to be flown on personal property or at the county morgue. Weird.

Slingshots are completely outlawed here. Owning, selling, purchasing, or using one can result in big trouble.

Receiving or giving a tattoo on Sundays is against the law.

It is considered a crime to carve your name or anything else into a tree – even if that tree is on your personal property.

Athens-Clarke County, Georgia Laws

Any sort of concert or public musical performance is 100% illegal here.

Technically, it is illegal to fart or burp at the county fair.

Minors playing any sort of gaming system after 11 PM on a school night are breakin’ the law.

Drinking beer while receiving a back rub or buying a sex toy is considered a crime. Can’t have any fun!

Entertaining any individual between 2:45 AM and 7:00 AM is against the law.

All pet chickens must be kept on a leash at all times.

Drinking of any liquid on a school or city bus is punishable by a hefty fine.

Dublin, Georgia Laws

Motorized wheel chairs or power chairs are strictly prohibited from public school and parks. Seriously?

Wearing “tinted” sun glasses, a large hat, or a hood is illegal. Aren’t all sun glasses tinted? Isn’t that the point?

Don’t attempt to feed the birds in Dublin any time soon, as it is a crime.

Anyone playing pass or catch on the sidewalk is committing a crime.

Roswell, Georgia Laws

Strippers and dancers are prohibited from working on Sundays.

The floor of any “adult store” must be kept clean, smooth, and non-absorbent. Eww.

Marietta, Georgia Laws

Why did the chicken cross the road? I don’t know, but it’s illegal for chickens to cross any road in Marietta.

In order to legally spit from a moving vehicle, that vehicle must be a full-size truck.


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