Gray’s Papaya: The Best Hot Dog in New York City

1 day ago

Street corner hot dog vendors are an iconic image of a bustling street in the heart of New York City.…

What’s it like to Be a Woman Truck Driver

1 day ago

Women have always been truck drivers. In fact, women as freight haulers pre-date the age of the eighteen wheeler: Calamity…

Putting Up a Clothesline

1 day ago

If you're looking for ways to save, consider putting up a clothesline to save a considerable amount of energy and…

Why Hockey Sucks

1 day ago

Ernest Hemingway had some peculiar ideas about what qualified as a sport. He said something to the effect that the…

Round Baby Cribs – A Look at the Advantages and Disadvantages

1 day ago

Most people use traditional cribs with a rectangular shape. However, round baby cribs are starting to become very popular. These…

Sierra Madre DLC for Fallout: New Vegas

1 day ago

The first DLC to come to Fallout: New Vegas is entitled Sierra Madre. This content tasks the player to explore…

Mansfield Reformatory Ghost Hunt

1 day ago

It's already too late to spend the night in this Gothic looking structure that once housed some of the worst…

Getting a Labrador Retriever? Consider Size, Health Issues and More

1 day ago

So you're thinking about buying a Labrador Retriever, and you're wondering how difficult is it to care for them? Well,…

Recipe for the Filipino Dish Known as Pancit Bihon

1 day ago

I have another pancit dish for you and this one is pancit bihon. Bihon in English means Chinese rice noodles…

Shopping / Fashion Guide: In the Pink with Thomas Pink

1 day ago

On my first trip to London, I found myself walking down Jermyn Street. My father was an aficionado of London…

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