Categories: Beauty

All Natural Beauty Tips

Alot of women go out a spend a fortune on cosmetic products. They believe that these products will keep them looking great and they will. But what if you could look just as good for a fraction of the price. Since the beginning of time nature has provided us with all natural ways of taking care of ourselves. So why use expensive chemical enhanced products when you don’t have too. Here are some of the things we can do for ourselves that are all natural.

Acne: Rubbing the area effected by acne with a fresh cut clove of garlic will help to clear the area up. Don’t forget to drink at least 1 liter of water a day to keep a healthy glow to the skin.

Dry Skin: Puree 1 banana and 1 papaya together. Apply to skin and leave on at least 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Next massage mayonnaise int to the skin leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do this every other day until your skin is soft. Then continue to use once a week to maintain the skins softness.

Split Ends: After you shampoo your hair apply this to treat split ends. Half a cup of milk added to tablespoon of cream. Beat well, then apply throughout all of your hair. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse and washout with water.

Facial Mask: Take one egg yolk and apply to the face. Allow to dry and remain on face for at least 5 minutes after drying. This will help to firm up the face. With repeated use it works like an all natural face lift. If you want a deep cleansing mask at the same time just add 1 teaspoon of table salt to the egg yolk before applying.

Cellulite: This is easier to get rid of than most people think. Take caffeinated coffee and add it to a hand lotion. Massage this into the effected areas for 60 seconds, then shower it off. Do this each day and watch the difference it makes.

Makeup Remover: An all natural way to remove your make up is to take a teabag and soak it in a little warm water to get it wet. Now take it and begin to remove your makeup. Once all the make up is gone just rinse your face with a little cool water.

Whitening Teeth: A strawberry rubbed on your teeth prior to brushing them , can actually help to whiten your teeth.

Brittle Nails: For about 5 minutes every other day soak your nails in Olive Oil. This will help to replenish oils in your nail, cutting down on brittleness.

Dandruff: Dandruff is caused by a yeast. Vinegar will kill this yeast. Pour vinegar over your head and wrap your head in a towel. Sleep this way. When you wake up in the morning just shampoo out.

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