Categories: Movies

Al Pacino Quotes – His Top 10 Quotations & Sayings

Al Pacino has starred in two of the most quotable movies of all-time in Scarface and The Godfather. All of his most famous quotes are from the movies, but his personal quotes are interesting, too. Al Pacino’s top ten best personal quotes cover his thoughts on money, his movies and other actors. I especially like the one about Dancing with the Stars. I mean how can you top Tony Montana ballroom dancing? Which quote is your favorite?

Al Pacino Quote #1

“The most popular movie I’ve ever made is Scarface, all over the world. It’s amazing to me. It’s wonderful. We sometimes forget that it was Oliver Stone who wrote it. He is a political creature, and I think that is an undercurrent in the movie. And the combination of him and Brian De Palma made for this kind of fusion or explosion. It worked.”

Al Pacino Quote #2

[on Robert DeNiro] “We know each other’s minds. We have shared some things that are personal to us, such as our roles. I know Bobby through his roles. But, then, I don’t think we actually talked about the actual work of actors.”

Al Pacino Quote #3

“My first language was shy. It’s only by having been thrust into the limelight that I have learned to cope with my shyness.”

Al Pacino Quote #4

“When we were starting out, [Robert De Niro], me and Hoffman were always sort of mixed up. People mistook us for each other.”

Al Pacino Quote #5

Every time I’d run into Marlon Brando on set, my face would turn red and I’d start laughing. Have you any idea what it was like to do a scene with Brando? I sat in movie houses when I was a kid watching Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire and Viva Zapata! Now I’m playing a scene with him. He’s God, man!”

Al Pacino Quote #6

An actor with too much money will usually find a way to get rid of it.

Al Pacino Quote #7

“I am a dancer, but I don’t think I would be on Dancing with the Stars mainly because I would be too shy.”

Al Pacino Quote #8

“Vanity is my favorite sin.”

Al Pacino Quote #9

“I don’t need bodyguards. I’m from the South Bronx.”

Al Pacino Quote #10

“Did you know I started out as a stand-up comic? People don’t believe me when I tell them.”

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