Categories: Movies

Adult Swim’s Best Original TV Programs

Adult Swim has spawned some of the most popular shows in recent years. The Adult Swim hit Family Guy was brought back to Fox and other Adult Swim shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Futurama have spawned movies.

Adult Swim shows fall into two categories. There are some Adult Swim shows that is original programming they either created or continued. Then there are Adult Swim shows that they didn’t create but simply acquired from somebody else.

The following shows are the best original shows from Adult Swim:

8. The Brak Show
I loved Brak on Cartoon Planet and Space Ghost Coast to Coast and was excited for the Adult Swim spinoff but an entire show about Brak was a little too much Brak for my taste. The Brak Show was a good attempt at an original show but and Zorak made it at least watchable.

7. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is definitely original. Who thought a television show about a milkshake, French fries and a wad of meat would be successful? Aqua Teen Hunger Force is an entertaining Adult Swim show but it is a little too inconsistent. Occasionally Aqua Teen Hunger Force has an extremely bizarre episode that makes me lose interest.

6. Robot Chicken
Robot Chicken is one of the original Adult Swim shows that suffered from the first season syndrome. Robot Chicken started off strong with a hilarious first season and great pop culture references but it seems Robot Chicken ran out of good ideas because the second and third seasons have been pretty lame.

5. The Venture Brothers
The Venture Brothers might be higher on other people’s list of favorite Adult Swim shows but I admit that I’ve been late to Venture Brothers and just started watching it but I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

4. Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Space Ghost Coast to Coast was a great idea for an original show. Space Ghost Coast to Coast is a talk show that is hosted by a superhero. The difference between Space Ghost Coast to Coast and other talk shows is that every episode is good regardless of the guest. Heck, one of the best episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast was when Bjork was the guest.

3. Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
Harvey Birdman was another original concept. The only thing better than a superhero with a gig as a talk show host is a superhero whose occupation is an attorney. Guest appearances by classic cartoon characters like the Flintstones and Scooby Doo just add to this great Adult Swim show.

2. Sealab 2021
Sealab is another Adult Swim show that fell off after the first season but the first season was so good that it ranks as one of Adult Swim’s best original shows. Sealab is easily the most quotable original Adult Swim show because some of the hilarious dialogue.

1. Home Movies
My favorite original Adult Swim show of all-time has to be Home Movies. I like the premise of Home Movies. Home Movies is about three kids that like to make movies. The movies are usually awful but that is what is so funny about it. Home Movies is also very well written and funny. The animation doesn’t look great, even bad at times, but it’s actually kind of charming and fits well.

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