Categories: Marketing

A List of Free and Low Cost Advertising Websites for the Beginner

While there are thousands of advertising and business listing websites these days, I have compiled a list of some very effective sites, for those who are new to advertising or selling merchandise on line.

Things to remember when placing ads on line are as follows.
1. Change your ads as often as once a week to keep new viewers coming.
2. Post your ads in cities which will bring the highest amounts of views for your merchandise or services. If you live in “Tiny Town USA.” and you are a website owner, advertise in the nearest large city to you, or spread your ads over the entire country. The list below is in no particular order, as they are all free business listing and advertising sites. I have found all, to be equal in effectiveness for advertising my website. With these sites you can either be an aggressive advertiser or simply list your business or ad and only replace when they expire, obviously the more you edit your ads the more hits you will receive, which could relate to more business. These are all free, some do have pay options but I would not suggest paying until you figure out which best suites your advertising needs. If you choose later to pay or continue with the free advertising and listing, you will have a good idea of what works for you, your business and your location. I have not added site links such as Twitter, Craigslist and Facebook as those are sites everyone is familiar with.

  • Back This is an incredible site to run your ads anywhere in the US and Canada. There is no limit to how many ads you can place and for a small fee you can place ads in multiple cities with great ease.
  • Merchant is a great choice for free or low cost advertising, but remember to network and make as many connections as you can.
  • California super This is a wonderful site to advertise website businesses or services. You choose which city in California to post your ad, which allows you to reach a great audience n matter where you are located.
  • This is an auction website for those looking to sell merchandise all over the world. As the owner of the site, I have created a way for everyone to be able to succeed at online sales for free or very low cost. The free features are great and the fees are the lowest of all online auction sites and we also offer many secure payment gateways such as Pay Pal, Google checkout and more.
  • domestic is a great advertising site, which is free to post with photos or logos. You can choose any town, city or state to advertise your business in. With the free account you are able to run 5 ads at the same time, they can all be in the same city or in different city’s which allows you reach a very broad customer base. I receive around 500 views from each ad which with 5 ads running is a great amount of new contacts and 2500 people who would never have know about my business features or sales.
  • yahoo (Free) small ad, will get you on yahoo, there is another yahoo ad site listed below.
  • ( Free) This site is difficult to make contacts, but once you have it is a great resource to tell people about your services and connect to other business owner who my be in need of your goods or services.
  • This is a great site to advertise and bring in customers. Fill out your profile and have your friends add positive comments to your profile. Each action you complete, you gain points, the more points you earn the higher your listing appears in search engines.
  • business This site is mainly for brick and mortar businesses which have a physical address. You will receive many new customers.
  • This is a very nice advertising site with a description of your business, a free listing does not allow photo’s or your website link, but you can put your website address in the description.
  • (Free) This is a great place to advertise, upload photo’s, links and give a full description of your business. This is for businesses with a physical address.
  • (Free) Small ads are great here, not a full featured ad site, but is still good for business
  • Stumble (Free) This is a site which requires some time to figure out. I would not start here. Come to this when you have enough time to play with the site and find your niche.
  • biz (Free) A good site to advertise your business, services or goods.
  • chaos (Free) This is a great site, upload photo’s links, and full description of your business.
  • free ads (Free) Advertising site
  • hello (Free) Great for advertising in Boston Mass. Good results from this site.
  • (Free) This site is the Canadian Craigslist. It is wonderful for reaching more customers and getting your name known. Because Canadian prices are so much higher than the US many Canadians will purchase US goods.
  • e bay (Free) This is a permanent ad which appears on e, this is not the bid site many people are familiar with, when selling merchandise, there is no fee or pay per click. This is a great site and has brought local customers.
  • (Free) advertising website

Remember to monitor your ads often and update new sales and events. To be effective at advertising you must change your ads often and make them irresistible to new client or customers.

Karla News

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