Categories: TRAVEL

A Haunted Tour of Columbus, Ohio

There are many people who believe that Athens is the most haunted city in the state of Ohio, but those people haven’t been to Columbus. There are more haunted places in Columbus than any other city in the state.

Start with a trip to the Alpha Omicron Pi House. The Ohio State Michigan tradition dates back years, and students used to jump into Mirror Lake as part of their celebration. One sorority girl jumped into the Lake drunk, and broke her neck. The sisters decided to hide the dying girl in their room, rather than risk getting in trouble. The girl still haunts the room where she died by moving things around, sitting on the bed, and opening the closet doors.

Another ghost haunts the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority on the OSU campus. A former sister died in the house and now haunts it. Many people have seen the girl staring out of the window and walking down the halls. There are also stories of things moving and strange noises.

The Berlinner bike path is haunted by a tragedy that occurred there when 6 kids drowned in 2001. There is also a spirit who was murdered in the area. At night people have heard children and men’s voices by the water, and see strange flashes of lights in the woods.

Columbus, like other towns in Ohio has a few haunted museums, including the Air and Space Museum. At night employees have heard the airplanes start and see dark shadows moving around the displays. The building where the COSI museum once stood is home to the ghost of a former janitor.

Columbus also has several haunted high schools. The Briggs High School is haunted by several figures that wall the halls. Students and teachers have seen desks move and heard someone in the music room when the room is empty. Fort Hayes Metropolitan High School is haunted by the Civil War soldiers who once camped there. Ghosts of women in old-fashioned nurses and soldiers have been seen. Students have also heard the sounds of people moaning and crying out in pain. There are also stories of lockers flying open and closed, and footsteps in the empty hallways.

It’s not just high schools either, but colleges too. The Columbus State Community College is haunted by ghosts from the Catholic Cemetery that once sat at the spot.

At the Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery people often see the ghost of a woman dressed entirely in gray. She often visits on specific grave where she is seen crying. Visitors to the cemetery sometimes hear her cries when the cemetery is empty. green lawn Cemetery is also haunted, with visitors claiming to see apparitions there.

The Children’s Hospital in town was supposedly built on top of an old cemetery, which has led to some strange experiences. Many people see shadows moving and feel someone watching them.

Mirror Lake where the OSU student broke her neck is also haunted by a jogger who was killed during a mugging. Many people have seen a man in a jogging suit running through the area, only to watch as he disappears. The Lake itself is haunted by an OSU student who drowned there. Occasionally people will hear the sounds of someone screaming and splashing around in the water.

Nationwide Arena is known for a lot of things, but many people don’t realize or remember that it was built on top of the old Ohio State Penitentiary. Areas where the old hanging yard and electro shock room now have cold spots and eerily calm silences.

At the Old Governor’s Mansion, many people have seen the ghost of a woman in old fashioned clothes. Over at the St. Pius X School, students complain about one cold spot in the bathroom and the feeling of someone watching them.

Walnut Knolls was once a mental institution and some of the ghosts there date back to that time. People see lights turning on in empty places and feel things being thrown at them. Stories say that children died in the swimming pool, and a woman was decapitated on the third floor.

Just outside of Columbus you’ll find Wallahalla where a man supposedly killed his wife and daughter before hanging himself off a bridge in town. People claim to see the spirit of the two dead females in the water, and the ghost of the man still hanging from the bridge.

Take a tour of all the haunted places in Columbus and you might see a little bit of everything.


Karla News

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