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How to Carve a Leg of Lamb for the Holidays


Are you planning on serving a leg of lamb for the holidays? If so, have you ever carved a leg of lamb before? If not, you may want to peruse my leg of lamb carving instructions. I learned how to carve a leg of lamb years ago while working in the hospitality industry. Here’s what I learned:

Supplies Needed

In order to carve a leg of lamb, you’ll need to invest in a de-boning knife, a carving knife, a carving fork and a large cutting board. Based on my experience, you can purchase those items through department stores and kitchen specialty retailers.

Slicing the Leg of Lamb

Start by placing the leg of lamb onto your cutting board. Next, grab your carving fork and carving knife. Insert the carving fork into the leg of lamb and use it to hold the lamb into position. Then use your cutting knife to remove a few slices of meat from the thin side of the leg near the shank bone. The goal is to remove enough meat to establish a level base. The level base will help to keep the leg of lamb from wobbling once you start making your main cuts.

Afterward, reposition the leg of lamb so that it is sitting onto the level base that you just created. Next, position your carving knife towards the end of the shank bone. Then start making perpendicular slices into the meat. The slices should stop just above the bone. Continue making slices in the lamb until you reach the end of the leg.

Once that is done, start carving horizontally until the perpendicular slices are free from the lamb’s leg. Place those slices onto your serving platter. Afterward, flip the leg of lamb over and slice off the remaining section of meat in one piece. Then place that section of meat onto your cutting board and use your carving knife to make perpendicular slices. Add those slices to your serving platter and remove any remaining meat from the bone with a de-boning knife. Then serve the lamb with your side dishes of choice.

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Using the Lamb Bone

I’d also suggest that you consider saving the lamb bone and using it to make lamb stock. If you have never made lamb stock before, don’t worry. It isn’t that hard to do. There are several different websites that contain lamb stock recipes. You may even want to consider cooking and eating the lamb bone marrow. The leftover fat may also be used to feed the wildlife. You could form it into suet or use it to create a pine cone bird feeder. Instructions for making a pine cone bird feeder are available online as well.

Source: Person Experience

Killeen Gonzalez has a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. She is a former special events planner.

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