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Chicken Pox Home Remedy

Chicken Pox, Home Remedy, Reye's Syndrome

An outbreak of Chicken Pox is not as common as it used to be as many children are vaccinated now. However, even a vaccinated child can develop a case of chicken pox. Chicken Pox Home remedies can help reduce the itching and leave pox areas less scarred after the outbreak is over. These home remedies have been passed down from generation to generation with each generation again affirming their usefulness.

Chicken Pox Home Remedy Tip 1: Cool Water Baths
One of the best ways to reduce the itching from chicken pox is to take cool baths. Hot baths should be avoided as they can increase the outbreak but cook baths help to sooth the rash area. This may prove to be a problem in winter months but can be alleviated by keeping the bathroom warm and the tub water cool. If the child is not in the bath, a cool compress on particularly aggravated areas is another chicken pox home remedy which may be useful.

Chicken Pox Home Remedy Tip 2: Baking Soda
When Baking soda dries over the skin lesion of chicken pox it reduces the amount of itching. To use this chicken pox home remedy, mix ½ teaspoon of Baking soda in a glass of water. Sponge the child with this mixture. When soda dries on the skin it controls the itchiness and irritation. You can do this as often as needed to reduce the itching.

Chicken Pox Home Remedy Tip 3: Honey
This chicken pox home remedy may be a little messy but is one that works well. Smear a bit of pure honey on the scabs of the chicken pox. This prevents itching but also helps the sores to heal and prevents scabbing. To lessen the mess, you can apply the honey with a q-tip directly to the spots so there is less stickiness on the skin.

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Chicken Pox Home Remedy Tip 4: Vitamin E
The vitamin E chicken pox home remedy is much like the honey one in that the oil helps to prevent the scarring and helps to heal the lesion. By putting the oil on the sores, the itching is reduced and lessening the amount of scratching also helps reduce scarring.

Chicken Pox Home Remedy Tip 5: Oatmeal Baths
Oatmeal Baths are a chicken pox home remedy used by many. These can be purchased as a commercial product in the heath and beauty section of the store or you can grind oatmeal to a very fine powdery texture. You may find the homemade version of the oatmeal is not as relieving as the ones sold in the stores. The process for making colloidal oatmeal for baths is more complicated than just grinding oats and may give a better result in stopping the itching.

Always remember that chicken pox home remedies should not include giving aspirin products. Acetaminophen or antihistamines are ok but aspirin has been associated with Reye’s syndrome and should be avoided. Chicken Pox home remedies can be used to help reduce the pain and itching for your child. If your child has a skin condition other than the chicken pox situation, you should seek medical assistance on the best way to relieve their itching.