Articles for category: Opinion and Editorial

Sharing Your Home with a Swamp Rat: Phobias!

Everyone has his or her phobias. Mine happen to be spiders and earthworms. I can’t say where mine originate, that is not even the issue. This is about a family member of mine who has a phobia of mice and feet. Not mice and feet together but separate. The feet thing, I have no idea ...

What Does it Mean to Be a Leader?

To become a great leader, you must first understand what leadership is and how it affects not only you but the company and department you work for. The official definition of a leader is one who goes before or with someone to show them the way. An easier way to explain a leader is to ...

Saran Plastic Wrap Vs. Glad Press-n-Seal

Plastic wrap of some kind has a presence in nearly every kitchen and although in our household we are phasing out plastic in some areas, especially applications involving heated foods, we still utilize plastic wrap for tasks where the food is going to remain cool or cold. Saran Plastic Wrap is the classic plastic wrap, ...

The Movie ‘Limitless’ Has No Limits

The movie “Limitless” was recently released to DVD. “Limitless” is a movie every writer should see as the main character is a writer himself. Bradley Cooper plays Eddie Morra in this movie with no limits. Cooper played Phil in “The Hangover” and “The Hangover II” and Doug in “Case 39.” Robert De Niro also stars ...

Explanation of a Few Communication Theories

Inoculation theory is concerned with the way that people resist persuasion and attitude change. After the Korean War the United States found that many of its soldiers had willingly given up information regarding the United States army without being under the duress of torture. It seemed the soldiers were unable to defend their country from ...

John Locke Theory Applied

Teaching or learning ethics in a university setting carries with it the potential of using theories of old to try and cover topics in today’s business environment. While I will agree that this can be accomplished successfully, in many cases the theories are outdated in this global world of ours. To that end, I will ...