Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

Essential Nutrients for a Shiny Dog Coat

As children, my brother and I were constantly subjected to my mother’s host of home remedies from dandelion root tea to fat back poultices. The granddaddy cure of them all, however, was cod liver oil. Even the family dog wasn’t safe from its fishy grasp. My mother regularly mixed a little cod liver oil in ...

Karla News

Salt Water Aquarium Cephalopods: Octopus for One

How many of you have seen the drama enfold in Disney’s 1954 creation, of the epic story by Jules Verne, “20000 Leagues Under The Sea” ? Where the submarine “the Nautilus” descends to a deep depth only to be pursued by a giant cephalopod and have to try to fight it off or die a ...

Karla News

Bandages for a Dog’s Wound

Dogs sometimes require bandages just like people require bandages, but keeping a bandage on a dog can be a little tricky. Dogs, for obvious reasons, can’t use adhesive bandages, and most dogs try to remove their bandages. In most instances, if dogs don’t want to wear bandages, they’ll succeed in removing them. Dogs will try ...

Karla News

The Parrotlet Bird, Part 1: General Information & Overview

Parrotlets are the little clowns of the parrot world. The smaller relatives of the Amazon parrots, parrotlets are pocket-sized for convenience and only reach an adult weight of roughly an ounce. I have been the proud owner of a parrotlet myself for four years, and they are charming little creatures. Parrotlets have only begun to ...

Karla News

Should You Feed a Stray Cat?

Feeding a stray cat is very tempting, especially for a pet lover, but it is not always the right thing to do. A stray, or feral cat, is defined as a cat that is “living in a wild state after domestication.” Usually these cats have been dumped as kittens by people who are not responsible ...

Karla News

Can a Dog Be Born Evil?

Can dogs be evil? There are Pit Bulls and certain breeds of dogs that have been taught to fight and attack. They are not evil. I believe that they are maliciously abused and it is not their fault. I would personally like to get a hold of those who take innocent animals and turn them ...

Karla News

Pitbull Myths Cloud Truth About Breed

The American Staffordshire, also known as the Pit-Bull, has garnered a reputation for being a fierce, intolerable, violent animal, capable of the most horrendous atrocities known to man or beast. Although the American Staffordshire’s reputation is not without merit, it is false to assume that the pit-bull is in any way different than any other ...

Karla News

Five of the World’s Heaviest Dog Breeds

The heaviest dog breeds in the world are among the most hard-working, loyal, protective and dependable dogs in existence. They are impressive, need a bit more space than most dogs and are not for the casual dog owner. However, for hardcore dog-lovers, they are among the best breeds to own. Listed here are the top ...

Karla News

Exotic Pets: Hedgehogs

The African Pygmy Hedgehog is a hybrid of the White-Bellied and North African hedgehog. Their backs are covered with rows of prickly spines (but not barbed like porcupines, and they don’t “shoot” their quills) and soft furry bellies, and come in a variety of colors and markings. They grow five to eight inches long and ...

Karla News

How to Breed Mice

Breeding mice is a fairly easy, and can be relatively cheap process. If you own snakes, or other reptiles that eat mice as a diet, it is certainly a much cheaper way of feeding. Plus, I enjoy it because it assures the environment in which the food I feed my prize is bred. I’m assured ...