Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Karla News

How to Live Stress Free Life

We all are under lot of stress and live the life with the stress form morning till night. How to get rid off this stress is itself a stressful question. All working people, male of female, carry a stress at their working place due to meeting their heavy targets loaded by the management under performance ...

Karla News

Riley-Day Syndrome Facts

Riley-Day Syndrome is a rare, inherited disorder that is commonly found in people of Eastern European Jewish extraction. While it does appear in other nationalities, the occurrence is much rarer. The disorder affects the nervous system and appears shortly after birth. Over time, the disorder progresses, and symptoms may become more severe. Why Does Riley-Day ...

Karla News

Pessary Insertion and Pessary Care

What is a Pessary? A pessary is a medical device that is used in the non-surgical management of a number of gynecological conditions. It is a device that is inserted into the vagina or rectum to support the vagina, uterus, bladder and rectum when the muscles and structures that hold them up are weakened or ...

Karla News

Ten Tips to Help You Recover from Surgery

It is hard for us to stay quiet and to rest. We are a generation that is always on the go. We may dream about taking a few days off and relaxing, laying in bed doing nothing. But how many of us would actually do this if given the chance? Yet, if you had surgery, ...

Karla News

55 Ridiculous Ways to Cure the Hiccups

I don’t seem to get the hiccups very often but, when I do, everyone seems to have a cure of their own to offer. Sometimes these cures work; sometimes they only offer a temporary distraction. But most often they offer a bit of entertainment because some of these cures are absolutely ridiculous! Whether or not ...

Karla News

How to Relieve a Headache

I often get sinus headaches. I have found that many times these sinus headaches are brought on when I eat milk and/or cheese. I get both sinus headaches and cluster headaches (cluster headaches form under one eye). Because I often struggle with sinus congestion, headaches and cluster headaches, I have found some tips to relieving ...

Karla News

How to Increase Your Potassium Intake

The recent study of data on Potassium and Sodium in our diets showed that having more potassium than sodium reduced the incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. So how can you increase potassium in your diet? It’ simple: cut the salt (that’s common table salt), which is made mostly of sodium, and ...