4-Wheeler Safety

Growing up in Southern Kentucky, 4-wheelers were a part of many peoples lives. Farmers use them on their farms, law enforcement use them to move around and they are also used as a recreation vehicle. On any pretty, warm weekend, you could find people out riding their 4-wheelers in the woods, on mountain sides and around the lake. My mother had always feared that one of my brothers or I would get hurt on one, so we were never allowed to have one at our house. I never really had a desire to ride one, or drive one for many years.

It wasn’t until I got married that I was really accessible to a 4-wheeler. A lot of people in my husbands family, my father in law included, own one, and ride them quite often. I was 23 years old when I took my first ride on one. I only rode one with my husband two or three times before I thought I would try to drive one alone. I didn’t have a helmet on, nor did I really know how to drive one correctly. After my sister-in-law showed me where the gas and brake was, and how to shift gears, I took off. I was on level ground but it didn’t really have an effect on my driving performance. I made one circle around my father-in-laws house, and was already getting a little frightened. On the second time around, I must have been really nervous because I forgot which was the brake and which was the gas. I thought I was going to hit my brother in laws car, so the last thing I remember was starting to jump from the moving 4-wheeler.

I was in and out of consciousness and only remember a few little things. When I finally woke up completely, my brother-in-law had called 911 and I had been transported to the local Emergency Room via ambulance. I was scared to death, because I wasn’t exactly sure what had happened at first. After several x-rays and CAT scans, I was told that I was fine and only had bumps and bruises. I had no broken bones or any damage to my head. I was sent home after about 2 hours. This happened about two weeks ago and I am still having a little trouble walking.

My advice for people is to practice as much safety as possible when operating a 4-wheeler. Foremost, know exactly how to operate it before attempting driving alone. Classes are available and are so beneficial. Second, wear a helmet. I did not have a helmet, so when I jumped I hit my head and suffered a concussion. It has been brought to my attention that a locally a law is trying to get passed about 4-wheelers. Officials are offering to let people drive them on county roads under certain conditions. You must have one headlight on the front in use at all times, two tail lights in use at all times, an operators license ESPECIALLY for 4-wheelers and at least liability insurance. Coming from a person who has survived an accident, I am indifferent about this law. I can see where it would help many people if it went into effect, but at the same time, that is opening up for more injuries.

In conclusion, I would like for everyone to practice extreme caution and safety when operating a 4-wheeler. Anyone can get hurt, even though many people think it will never happen to them. I didn’t think it would happen to me. On that day, it did.

Karla News

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