Karla News

Vintage Army Blanket Upholstered Headboard

Vintage Army Blankets are such a great source of super sturdy and warm material. I also love that awesome vintage hunter green color that most army blankets are. You can use a vintage army blanket to make a unique and cozy headboard for a boy’s bedroom or even a bachelor pad in no time for ...

Hoof Problems that May Affect Your Horse

Keeping a horse’s hoof healthy is vital to the overall well being of the horse. There are many different diseases and conditions that you will need to keep your eye open for and take immediate action to remedy the situation. If a horse is suffering with a hoof ailment, the whole animal will suffer. Horses ...

Karla News

The Best Hemingway Novels

Ernest Hemingway is one of America’s best writers. As a modernist – along with other fantastic prose artists like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Gertrude Stein – he helped shape 20th century literature. And while he does have a number of books to his credit not all of them are the sort of masterpieces one ...

Karla News

Mexican Bakeries in Southern California

Ever since a co-worker handed me a tiny cookie with a barrage of colorful sprinkles on top of it from a nearby Mexican bakery, I’ve been hooked. That day, she told me she had picked up a bag of pastries to take home and offered me one to try. I tried it, and on the ...

Karla News

Homemade Father’s Day Crafts

“Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.” Bill Cosby. Fatherhood is a blessing. Anyone can be a father but it takes a real man to be a daddy. Children are always seeking new crafts and projects to create. The best gifts are from the heart. Each craft mentioned in this article are ...

Karla News

Fun Treats for Your Pet Guinea Pig

Any guinea pig owner will tell you that having a cavy in the house is fun. Guinea pigs have a sweet disposition, are easy to take care of, and are so cute. They make great pets for kids and they are not very expensive to keep. In addition, guinea pigs love to eat. They eat ...

Karla News

How to Know If a Friend is Suffering from Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is a result of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. It is a dangerous and life-threatening medical emergency which must be taken care of immediately. For alcohol poisoning to be treated properly and successfully, people must know the signs and symptoms which are indicative of such excessive alcoholic ...