Karla News

Aruba Travel – Best Family Beach Resorts

Many families find that when it comes to a Caribbean getaway, they prefer bigger hotels with more amenities. If you’re considering an Aruba vacation, there are plenty of hotels that will suit your every need. Whether you want activities for the kids or a spa pampering session, these hotels are sure to please. Aruba Marriott ...

Karla News

Shel Silverstein: Fun with Language

Shel Silverstein opens his first book of poetry, Where the Sidewalk Ends, with a poem stating “If you are a dreamer. . . come in,” inviting readers into his crazy and creative world of poetry. As a young child I was always entertained by Shel Silverstein’s humor and fun with language, and even as a ...

Karla News

Top Three Thrift Stores in Sacramento

With todays down turn in the economy — and the upturn in gas prices –saving a dollar or two isn’t just a monetary benefit, but more of a necessity just to put food on the table. So, what do you do when the need for clothes is on the “to buy” list? Just what some ...

Karla News

Brief Beginner’s Guide to Screenwriting

Think you can do better than most of the writing you see coming out of Hollywood (who doesn’t, at least sometimes)? Have a stellar idea that would make a fantastic movie? If you answered yes to either of those, screenwriting might be an ideal path for you. Here are a list of things you need ...

How to Make Overnight Oats – the Basics & Beyond

Oats are the cream of the crop if you want something versatile, inexpensive, tasty, and healthy; soaking them makes it easier for your body to digest and absorb more nutrients. When soaked and left in the fridge, oats are cool and creamy like rice pudding and they make a perfect nighttime dessert as your body ...

Karla News

Tips for Helping a Baby With Acid Reflux

Gastric reflux isn’t as common in babies as it is in adults, but doctors now know that many babies who were formerly diagnosed with colic may in fact have reflux problems. Reflux occurs in babies when their food backs up into their esophagus and causes heartburn. Obviously, baby can’t tell you what he is experiencing ...