15 Ways to Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat and Lose Weight

1.) Calcium is key. Calcium between 1000-1500 milligrams can help to increase metabolism and burn weight according to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This comes out to eating about three to four servings daily. And as always it is good to look for dairy content with low fat content. 2.) Eating more red meat. People ...

Insanity Workout – Fit Test Review

When you decide to take the Insanity challenge and embark on 60 days of the toughest exercises you have endured (hopefully), your first challenge is to complete the Fit Test. This is designed to keep track of your progress over the next 60 days as you will take the test every two weeks and compare ...

Karla News

How to Succeed as an Avon Representative

My Avon History I sold Avon for 11 years. Avon has been around for many years. It was founded in 1886 by David McConnell. The first Avon lady, Mrs. Albee, went door to door selling Avon. Now Avon is in over 148 countries. You will hear more about Mrs. Albee later in this article. I ...

Karla News

The Plight of Black Hair Care in Australia

After to moving to Australia four years ago, I was surprised to see the lack of black hair care salons and beauty supply shops. I never realized how spoiled I was. I grew up in Toronto, Canada and decided to make my mark on the world and my career by moving to Sydney, Australia . ...

Karla News

Having a Wildflower Themed Wedding

One of the wedding themes that are coming back into popularity is the wildflower-wedding theme. And for good reason too. The colors of the wildflowers are so easy to plan the rest of your wedding around. Whether your wedding is inside or you plan on an outdoor wedding, it will be pose no problem to ...

Karla News

Perfect, a Pretty Little Liars Novel, by Sara Shepard

Perfect, by Sara Shepard is the third book in the Pretty Little Liars series. Like the past 2 books that I have read in the series, this one ends with the same sort of bang. Yep, another Rosewood kid looses their life. (or do they!?) If you don’t recall, I was somewhat disappointed in the ...

Karla News

Top 10 Preschool Graduation Theme Songs for Your Classroom

Preschool Graduations are such a special and important time for little people and also for all the families of the tiniest graduates. For teachers however, choosing Graduation Theme songs can often seem like a daunting task. Here are a few great ideas and graduation theme songs to go along with them. Choose an animal to ...

Karla News

Quick & Easy Homemade Fried Rice

Fried Rice is surprisingly easy to make. You don’t need any specialized cookware-a large fry pan works as well as a wok. You also don’t need fancy sauces or unusual vegetables, although you can certainly add those if you wish to make it more interesting. It’s a fantastic way to use up any manner of ...

Karla News

Webmasters Guide to Reseller Hosting

What is MLM Hosting? MLM stands for Mutli-Level-Marketing, and it’s also called “referral marketing” or “Network Marketing”. When you refer a new customer, you earn a commission on that customer’s purchases (in our case web hosting, or fees for “Hot Conference” and other commissionable items). What makes “multi-level” different from a simple one-tier affiliate program, ...

Karla News

Ways to Set Up a Hidden Media Center in a Living Room

A living room should be designed for living, but not everyone wants to see electronic components including the television, stereo and game systems when these items are not in use. Some people prefer to keep it all hidden using various methods. The items are only exposed when in use, and they are behind closes panels ...